A puppetry company with a difference

We are a community led, community championing theatre company unearthing traditional stories that captivate your imagination and uplift spirits...

Read on to find out more about our upcoming performances and to contact us about our projects.

Our four pillars

Meet the groups we work with most

Primary Education & Community Settings

Our shows are inspired by traditional African and Afro-Caribbean tales: youngsters benefit from finding threads common to all humanity. We travel to visit children at schools and in community groups bringing a safe place to explore, learn and engage with people from diverse backgrounds.


Puppetry is the perfect medium to engage many neurodiverse children. For children with different learning styles, the sensory immediacy of puppets and puppetry creates new channels for expression. Shadow puppetry workshops invite all abilities!


People living in assisted living centres or older people social clubs: our workshops provide entertainment, moments of joy and playfulness and are a launch pad for reminiscence therapy.

Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants

Storytelling and puppet making are a rich and gentle means of processing, sharing and recovering from each journey. Sharing stories builds community.

What's On

Anansi & the Lost Sun

Offies Nominee 2023

Our OFFIE Nominated 50 minute flagship puppet show. We enchant, entertain & educate. An inclusive puppet show for Primary Age Children and their families as well as African Caribbean Elders - Touring from October '23.

More information and booking

Puppetry Workshops

Puppetry workshops online or face to face for all ages. Contact us for bookings.

More information and booking

Stories of Shadows

An extended project of cultural transmission for refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women. Each participant creates a shadow puppetry show celebrating their culture.

Anansi & the Lost Sun

Touring from October 2023

Using traditional West African stories about Anansi the Spider as a meeting place, we enchant, entertain, educate and build cross-generational dialogue. The story is told using puppets made from everyday materials, beautiful traditional West African music.

Touring from October 2023. Book now!

The shows are a springboard to learn about the journey of the Anansi stories from Africa to the UK via the Caribbean. This journey follows enslaved African people to the Caribbean and then the migration of their descendants to the UK with the Windrush generation.
The show offers plenty of potential for further explorations of puppetry and story telling as well as the historical context of the stories.

Thank you!

It takes a village to weave a magic web...

If you're fortunate enough to be a in position to help, please get in touch - every penny helps bring our art to life.

“It’s our responsibility to really make a determination, everyday, to make a difference. It doesn’t matter if we do not see the whole picture but just to make a difference, and not be part of the problem.” - Sobonfu Some

We have worked with many fabulous organisations such as:

Edens Project Tate V&A QEST Arts Council England Curious School of Puppetry The National Lottery
Somerset House Uni of Nottingham Age UK Little Angel Theatre Magic Me The Puppet Theatre Barge Lakeside Arts Moving Parts Arts NYCC Black Country Touring Beverley Puppet Festival Carn To Cove Wandsworth Arts Fringe Arts Depot Tramshed Stanley Arts Hackney Judith Hope